Most people ask this question at one point in their life. And it’s often when their life is not looking or feeling as good as they would like.

“What is the point of my life, why I am here and as any of this really matter?”

And the answer will usually be something along the lines of… 

Know Yourself
Trust Yourself
Love Yourself
Live Your Larger Story

But what does that really mean?

I was born with a strong impulse to share…

I share simply because I love sharing, not because I think I have some profound wisdom, but rather because I am a human being that STORY wants to move through. I have a lot to say because there is a lot to say, and there is a wealth of STORY in the cosmos keen to birth itself onto our planet at this present time.

What I have to say, is really more about the “what, why and how” of making oneself ready, willing and available for the appropriate stories to find the appropriate people.

And it is our shining spirit that story is rightly attracted to – but unfortunately, it’s the constant distractions and our addiction to the busyness that blocks our connection to our own spirit, which then creates a lack of adhesion to the powerful stories that want to find their way to our hearts. Every generation needs powerful stories to advance its evolution, but if a story doesn’t connect to the spirit of a human the story has no soul, and a story with no soul dies, which is a vulnerable place for humans to live in or grow from.

Stories are constantly knocking on our hearts to advance humanity so we can navigate our way through each generation. And without these appropriate, soulful stories our cultures can struggle to grow because they lose the ability to recognize the importance of ‘overcoming obstacles’ and the discipline to absolutely ‘protect their hope’, which ultimately fuels their vision and passion for a brighter future.

I designed the Living Attributes Typology as a tool to help women become powerful vessels so they can live their larger story, a story that they feel, is worthy of sharing and celebrating… a story that will genuinely inspire future generations.

So, peeps the term ‘know yourself’ in the Living Attributes system is associated with knowing “you”,  your history, your backstory, your true nature and how it has influenced your life. And how it can potentially inspire or add value to other peoples lives. 

The Best Way To Discover Your Purpose Is To Discover Your Story

Heart to Heart, Elizabeth 

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