The Living Goddess Code

Volume Three

Unlock the Secrets of Divine Living and Reclaim Your Spiritual Power

In a world searching for deeper meaning and connection, Elizabeth Ellames presents The Living Goddess Code, a transformative guide that takes you on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

THE LIVING GODDESS CODE, is a step-by-step guidebook for spiritual evolution, that reveals the intricate tapestry connecting your present life, past lives, future lives, spiritual ancestors, and even parallel realities. Through co-creative Archetypal Forces, Angelic Forces, and the Divine Living Presence, you’ll uncover the profound connection between your inner essence and the limitless power of the universe.

By embracing a dedicated spiritual practice, you’ll embark on a path of self-realization and personal growth. Your practice will help you identify your current state, heal past wounds, and release negative energies that hinder your progress. Most importantly, it will empower you to stay aligned with your higher purpose and embrace your authentic self, guiding you towards a fulfilling future.

As we enter the Age of Aquarius, represented by the nurturing Water Bearer archetype, the need for unity, equality, and growth becomes increasingly evident.

Through her heartfelt words, Elizabeth encourages us to awaken to the world’s inequalities and embrace the transformative power within us all. With unwavering commitment, she inspires us to restore our planet, heal our souls, and usher in a new era of harmony and evolution. In these extraordinary times and beyond, “The Living Goddess Code” serves as a beacon of hope and guidance.

Elizabeth Ellames’s passion for sacred beauty and her understanding of unconditional love illuminate the path towards personal and collective transformation. Her words remind us of our innate power to create, evolve, and impact the world.

Your journey awaits. Commit to your process and prayers, and embody the practices shared within these pages. “The Living Goddess Code” will deepen your awareness of your personal and spiritual power, awakening your dormant forces and helping you manifest your divine destiny.

A guidebook you can work with each month and revisit every year.

The Living Goddess Code

Elizabeth Ellames is an author, speaker, and intuitive mentor. With a deep understanding of ancient wisdom and spiritual principles, she empowers women to embrace their true essence. Elizabeth’s work inspires and ignites the hearts of those seeking personal and collective evolution. As a visionary leader, she guides humanity towards a new unity and era of spiritual awakening.

Each chapter offers a rich tapestry of wisdom from Elizabeth’s career as a personal development creator and facilitator, combining in-depth experience from her seminars and retreats for women throughout Australia, Hong Kong, and Bali.