About Elizabeth Ellames

A Little Of My Story…

I’ve faced a few intense challenges in this lifetime that could have crushed my spirit. Growing up in an environment marked by abuse, I endured some deep emotional scars. Thankfully, I’ve had some wonderful female role models in my life; my Great-Grandmother, my Nanna and my Mother.

During my teenage years, a violent sexual assault left me physically and emotionally wounded. Instead of succumbing to despair, I used this experience as a catalyst for amplifying my creativity, secretly vowing to transform my pain into something of beauty and purpose.

With unwavering determination, I embarked on a path of healing and self-discovery. Through my personal exploration, spirituality, and self-care, I found the strength to mend my wounded spirit. Over the years, I emerged stronger, wiser, and more compassionate. Fueled by my creative spirit, I dedicated my life to helping others own their story, especially women who had faced similar or other forms of adversity and now want to live their true purpose.

My approach combined spiritual wisdom with practical guidance, emphasizing self-love, self-acceptance, and resilience. Through workshops, mentoring sessions, and community programs, I empowered many women to rediscover their worth and potential.

I humbly state that my story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of turning pain into creativity and purpose. I have always believed the potential for deep healing and growth accompanies the wounded; they are indeed in the company of Archetypal and Angelic Forces. – Through my work, I remind others there is light even in the darkness.

My life and the beautiful humans in it remind me of the boundless light and strength within us all, waiting to be discovered and shared with the world.

Heart to Heart, Elizabeth

Elizabeth Ellames is an author, speaker, and intuitive mentor whose deep wisdom of inner archetypes, storytelling, past life integration and life purpose has ignited the path to self-discovery and empowerment for countless women. With a passion for unlocking the hidden potential within each soul, Elizabeth has dedicated her life to helping women embrace their true essence, leading them towards a life of purpose and fulfilment.


Elizabeth’s journey as an author is a testament to her commitment to personal development and growth. Her written words are a wellspring of wisdom, guiding readers on a transformative journey towards self-realization and spiritual empowerment. Through her books, Elizabeth has touched the lives of many, offering them the tools they need to embark on their quest for a more meaningful life.

Inspirational Speaker

As a speaker, Elizabeth possesses the gift of captivating hearts and minds. Her words resonate deeply with those who seek personal and collective evolution. With each engaging presentation, Elizabeth sparks inspiration and motivation, guiding her audience towards a higher understanding of themselves and their world.

Spiritual Mentor

Elizabeth’s role as an intuitive mentor goes beyond conventional wisdom. Her innate ability to connect with the emotional and spiritual realm allows her to provide invaluable guidance to those who seek it. She supports the growth of women, helping them tap into their inner wisdom and guiding them towards a life of authenticity and spiritual fulfilment.

Visionary Leader

At the forefront of a new era of spiritual awakening, Elizabeth Ellames stands as a visionary leader. Her vision extends beyond individual transformation, as she tirelessly works to guide humanity towards unity and enlightenment. She seeks to illuminate the path towards a more harmonious and interconnected world with unwavering dedication.

Elizabeth Ellames extensive career as a personal development creator and facilitator has been shaped by years of experience gained by seminars and retreats she’s held across Australia, Hong Kong, and Bali. Through her teachings and guidance, Elizabeth has sowed the seeds of transformation, inspiring individuals to blossom into their fullest potential.

In a world hungry for enlightenment and empowerment, Elizabeth Ellames is the guiding light, illuminating the way towards a brighter future for us all.

The essence of who you are—the core of your being—your Higher Self remains constant, flowing from one life to another, like a river that continues through time.

Elizabeth Ellames