Thoughts on Mother’s Day

Mothers are the Angels who carry us, guide us and challenge us to grow into the human beings the world needs – The mission of a Mother is to create Grace.


I was born through the blessed gateway called “Mother” – Such an incredible and auspicious privilege I have been given.

In that moment of birth, as we took our deep breath together, we both had a new identity; a “child” was born and a “mother” was born.

Our profound bond has stayed with me throughout my life, our cells were multiplied, and exchanged in our 9 months of growth together.

We now belong to each other beyond analytics and normality, for we are bound by the extraordinary and sacred laws of creation – I will love you forever Mum.

So today I thank you, my amazing Mother, who taught me how to find my clarity, walk with dignity, foster purity where ever possible and to always respect and acknowledge true beauty.


And to you my beautiful Sons, I ask that you please forgive me for those times when I was not a perfect Mother, and dear ones know I am so proud to be your Mother and that I love you today and every day.

Elizabeth Ellames

And for those who are without their Mothers or Grandmothers this Mother’s Day… “Don’t be ashamed to weep; ’tis right to grieve. Tears are only water, and flowers, trees, and fruit cannot grow without water. But there must be sunlight also. A wounded heart will heal in time, and when it does, the memory and love of our lost ones are sealed inside to comfort us.”

Brian Jacques

“For He will give his own angels a command, to guide you in all your ways, and upon their hands, they will carry you”

psalm 91:11-12.

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