Your Story Creates Your Value

“Did you know the most successful presentations are about 65% stories and 25% figures, with the remainder an explanation of your credibility?”

Even though a presentation needs many elements to create magic, it’s hard to deny the power a great story can add to a presentation.

A well-crafted story can take your audience far away from the world of business jargon and inspire them to truly feel your message, imagine scenarios, and envision fresh ideas. As a result of your story and the emotional impact of your tale, your audience will often remember the overall message of your presentation for many years to come.

For your presentations, consider starting with a story, ending with a story, or weaving a narrative throughout your entire presentation; whichever option you choose, your audience will relish the experience.

Here are a few more ideas on creating an effective presentation – it’s very important to develop your own lexicon; the language connected to your brand. This is what strengthens your story and creates quality engagement – You must first and foremost become a committed and talented storyteller of your own Brand!

• Live within your brand’s philosophy by telling your story well and only speaking that particular language around your audience/tribe/community.

• To serve your audience well, they have to recognize your lexicon as their language too – this is a large part of identifying who your tribe actually is.

• You must create and know the lexicon and story of your own Brand so well that you become fluent with its story and message, which helps others to pick it up and want to follow it and share it.

BIG TIP PEEPs – don’t copy other people’s lexicon and story thinking it will work for your personal brand and story. It is extremely important and necessary that your lexicon and story are BORN out of YOU; they need to be an expression of your authentic truth and lived experience.

That is what makes your message powerful!


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