Dear WOMEN don’t be seduced…


A woman gets more beautiful and more powerful as she grows older… not less.

Her heart has become bold, not old and her mind enlightened not frightened.

Female youth is admired in our modern culture because it’s not spiritually threatening.

Deep spiritual wisdom is confronting to those who are fearful of the nature of the divine feminine.

As women mature they call in stronger forces from their sacred feminine wisdom. They vibrate with the creative power of their experience and their stories.

They call on the Power and Magic of Story.

They see more, know more, feel more and put up with less. They are a force to be reckoned with.

Dear WOMEN don’t be seduced into thinking there is something wrong with getting older and start spending your money, your energy and your power investing in falsehoods around beauty – never give up on your spirituality, sexuality, and sensuality. It’s alive, it’s alive, it’s alive!


Just allow YOU to happen… and continue to keep happening.

The world can’t steal your dignity, confidence, and wisdom unless you let it!

Every year is a good year – and continue to live every year you’re given with all your glorious might!

Power to you Goddess of Planet Earth – Love Elizabeth


2 Thoughts

  1. Beautifully said Elizabeth – many concepts of worth in your words here. Bravo for the opportunity to live and grow each year in self knowledge and potency of feminine gifts and spirit. Gratitude for this life! And for your post here – love it.


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