What are you focusing on?

Where You Place Your Attention is What You Worship

What are you focusing on? This is an important question to reflect on, because where we place our attention and energy is essentially what we “worship” in our daily lives.

It’s important to be clear on what you know is true for you. Don’t let fear, money, hatred, worry, or the need for control become the focus and “god” that you worship. These things may seem powerful, but they are not worthy of your reverence and devotion.

Instead, recognize the divine power within you and all around you. You are designed to be a co-creator with this Divine Living Presence and The Living Goddess. You have always had this power, you just need to let your Holy Spirit ignite your divinity and your humanity to a new consciousness.

When we place our attention on fear, greed, anger, anxiety, or the need to control, we end up giving these things power over us. They become the false “gods” that we worship, even if unconsciously. But these things are not worthy of our devotion. They are fleeting and ultimately unsatisfying.

Instead, choose to focus your attention and energy on what is truly sacred – the divine spark within you, your connection to all of life, and your role as a co-creator in this world. Cultivate reverence, awe, wonder, and gratitude. Let these become the foundation of your spiritual practice.

For myself, I know when I focus my attention on the primary attributes of my four inner archetypes Strength, Beauty, Loving and Divinity I gracefully become a gateway for the Archetypal and Angelic forces of Benevolence, Prophecy, Blissfulness and the Extraordinary.

When you do this with your primary attributes, you also unlock your true nature and potential. You stop letting fear, money, worry, and control be your gods, and you instead allow the magnificent, creative power of the Divine Presence and Living Goddess to flow through you. This is your birthright – to live as a conscious, empowered co-creator in service of the highest good.

So ask yourself – what are you focusing on? What is capturing your attention and devotion on a daily basis? Make the choice to let go of the false gods, and instead devote yourself to the sacred essence of who you truly are. This is where true fulfillment, joy, and conscious evolution awaits.

Heart to Heart and Blessings Abound,

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