Living Attributes Typology

A definitive guide to owning your story, understanding the power of your archetypes, along with identifying and maintaining your style of social and spiritual leadership.

A series of workshops, in-person consultations, and retreats for women centred around the knowledge in my three Living Attributes books.

Right now, we all need to step forward and become the necessary change in our world. 

However, I believe its women, through the power of their archetypal patterning, who have the capacity to seed and lead this necessary change – This is why I created my Living Attributes Typology, which I’ve poured into a three-volume set of books.

Did you know you have a Powerful Energy within you and around you, in the form of archetypal codes and forces, which are connected to your story and your purpose? 

And did you know your codes can attract the archetypal forces needed to serve our humanity?  

Living Attributes Typology is for women whose heart is calling them to the next level of their social, spiritual, and vocational happiness. 

Living Attributes Typology is also for women who know they have something to offer, which is coming from a deep longing in their Soul. 

What are the benefits?

Learn how you can ignite and call forth your archetypal greatness, while allowing others to do the same. 

Be a woman who knowns how to listen to the silence, trust her intuition and bring forth the clarity of her innate wisdom.

Discover why my correct and transform approach also forms the basis of becoming the Light Leader of your own life and a beacon of light for others. 

Is it time to add your GIFT to the planetary SHIFT?

How can the Living Attributes Typology support you?


Living Attributes Typology gives you the opportunity to explore how Your Story and Your Soul are always working closely with you, guiding you toward your destiny. Through this practice of owning your current reality, you begin the releasing process, which also informs your Soul you are spiritually awake and ready to reclaim your power. 


Living Attributes Typology helps you gain a deeper awareness of your “archetype codes” and how to reclaim your personal power by understanding what, why, and how these codes add value to your life and your world around you. The process of identifying archetypes your body and soul can rest in the activation of restoration.


Living Attributes Typology invites you to partake in your sacred restoration, using powerful Living Attributes Alignment Processes. Giving you have an opportunity to share some of your insights and experiences through questionnaires and journaling, which builds resonance within you and the world around you, which restores your social and spiritual happiness.


Essential reading for women everywhere! Elizabeth Ellames’ book connects you to your four archetypes and living your true purpose ~ Beautiful book, I couldn’t put it down!

Have you ever had a deep longing to know your true purpose?

Is it time to live your larger story?