Why women like to create or be in community

I have just finished facilitating my workshop Wisdom Of The Ages. As I sit back relaxing after two days of deep exploration and meditation. I also reflect on the love, bliss and kinship that grows in these wonderful environments held together by the presence of women.

Moreover, highlighting the importance of women and men gathering “separately”, with a level of reverence in their hearts, activates their true nature as a collective.

This got me thinking: In this dopamine-driven world that so often leaves us craving more, women must gather to nourish their souls with the profound connections fostered by oxytocin. This “love hormone” flows through the sacred spaces we create when we come together, filling our beings with the balm of belonging and understanding.

While the relentless chase for dopamine hits may feel exhilarating in the moment, it ultimately leaves us hollow and parched for deeper fulfillment. But when women encircle one another, opening their hearts in vulnerability and kinship, they tap into an ancient wellspring. Oxytocin courses through their veins, knitting them together in the unbreakable bonds of sisterhood.

In these sanctuaries, the harsh echoes of a world that often devalues and diminishes the feminine are softened. Tender mercies, so rarely encountered elsewhere, blossom here. Burdens are lovingly eased from weary shoulders; triumphs are cherished and amplified a thousandfold. The soul’s deepest truths can be spoken aloud and met with sacred witness.

As oxytocin washes over them, women remember their sovereign worth. They find courage to brave the tides of a culture that too often leaves them adrift. Replenished by communion, they can walk forth as radiant emissaries of the world their hearts know is possible.

So let women continue to spiral inward, into these oxytocin-infused embraces. For it is here that we spin anew the gossamer threads of timeless wisdom, weaving a tapestry of wholeness to shelter all who yearn for the magic of a “belonging place” . In these circles, the fragrance of the sacred feminine perfumes the air – a reminder that another way is possible, and it blossoms from the soil and hearts of sisterhood.

Heart to Heart, Elizabeth

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