Forgiveness: The Freedom of Letting Go

Have you ever found yourself replaying past hurts over and over in your mind? Wishing things could have turned out differently, obsessing about what went wrong and running the old blame and shame repertoire? We’ve all been there – trapped in a cycle of wanting to erase a painful episode in our life story.

But true forgiveness means breaking free from that cycle. It’s about releasing our tight grip on how we wish the past could have unfolded, and making peace with what actually happened.

I’m not saying we should downplay or excuse mistreatment from others. Real forgiveness doesn’t mean dismissing the wrong done to us. Rather, it’s about liberating ourselves from carrying resentment, anger and bitterness as heavy burdens. Those loads weigh us down far more than whatever pain someone else caused initially.

When we replay the mental video loop of how we were wronged, we remain trapped with the hurt and negativity. But forgiveness opens the door and allows us to walk free into a mind space of renewal and possibility.

Truly forgiving means looking ahead instead of remaining stuck picking at the scabs of past wounds. It’s about accepting what happened, acknowledge the learning (without resentment) and embrace the present with a wise and loving heart, unencumbered by old grievances holding us back.

Of course, letting go is often easier said than done. Forgiving and letting go takes practice. Old emotional habits die hard because they often have become an emotional addiction. But simply being aware of the need to release our obsession with holding on to the unchangeable past is a powerful first step.

Little by little, we can train our minds to open, accept, heal and forgive. And there’s a beautiful lightness and freedom awaiting us when we finally let go.
Heart to Heart, Elizabeth

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