I have always taken a different approach to personal styling and branding. With over 30 years of experience in this area, I’ve worked with hundreds of women, and my discovery has come down to one beautiful defining factor:

The power of attraction is learning how to SHINE YOUR LIGHT.

Women have known about this process for thousands of years; it was called Glamour Magic, an ancient purifying, sanctifying and beautifying ritual practised on yourself or other women. 

Glamour magic activates and magnifies desired Light Attributes or a combination of Light Attributes.

I love this practice and have had the privilege of working with women at this powerful level. In the case of Glamour Magic, you are making yourself more “attractive” because of what you are activating and creating from within, which eventually materializes on the outer.

It’s not a set of affirmations; but rather an active compilation of reflection and application that results in Authentic Glamour. Moreover, it is a co-creation of heartfelt purifying, sanctifying and beautifying rituals, which requires each present to be a willing and sacred witness. If you wish to be “attractive”, which means the ability to attract, it requires some inner and outer work on yourself.

Say to yourself – “I am attractive”, then be willing to draw that which your creative spirit has glamorized.

You don’t attract what you want. You can only attract more of who you are!

Identifying who you are on all levels is the key. – And the truth is you’re already unconsciously taking part in the practice of glamour rituals in your daily life; washing, having your hair done, wearing makeup, adorning yourself with jewellery, etc. All done to enhance your “attractiveness” but without any real depth of knowledge of where these practices originate.

Authentic “Glamour” practices, in their true essence, can improve your life because, on one level, they are sacred self-care, making you feel better and hence more comfortable in your encounters with others. And authentic self-care is an act of self-love!

My role is to help you shift your current focus on Glamour from being a relentless, and empty ritual. And move your focus to see it as a purifying, sanctifying and beautifying ritual designed to refine your nature and character, for genuine “attraction” in your life, on all levels; peace, purpose, prosperity and pleasure.

Modern view and application of Glamour Magic…

A picture paints a thousand words. Actions speak louder than words, and so does how you appear in life. Here is what happens to your audience, clients or customers when you show up out of sync with the true essence of your brand; they have what’s called “A Visual Disconnect”, breaking down your connection because they’re not sure whether to trust you. – It’s a subtle and innocent observation most of the time.

People are afraid to take a risk and trust upfront on these subtle levels, so they constantly assess and check to see what’s out of alignment. And that’s because we all have something called unconscious bias. – You can’t change that in others up front, but you can at least change your image on the outside to fit who you are on the inside, which in some ways may help shift any unconscious bias.

A genuinely great makeover is an inside job; it’s a heart-to-heart and head-to-toe transformation! So Goddesses, protect your spirit and brand from people’s subtle projections by simply Building Your Brands Integrity and your Glamour Magic, it’s what makes you unique and why people will want to follow your brand.

Here are the four essentials to creating Makeover Magic – 


First impressions matter, so be relaxed, clear and confident about your message and intentions.


It would be best if you had a natural enthusiasm to express who you are from the inside out.


Being on point equals being on-brand, and it’s not enough to look good; people need to feel good when they’re with you.


It means the ability to attract; So, is the way you wear your brand “attractive”– be mindful of your visual communication. It may or may not resonate with your target audience.

Elizabeth Ellames

Will ntroduces you to the universal patterns of human nature through her unique typology of archetypes; they include the Healer, the Alchemist, the Hero, the Star, the Enchabtress and many more. Understanding your archetypes also helps understand your brand. Elizabeth shows you how to find your archetypes and clarifies why dressing with purpose can express your power.

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