To the Sacred Mother Goddesses…


To you, My Beloved Sacred Mother Goddess – I ask that you make people smile, for amidst their misinterpreting of My Truth they may become bitter. Through your desire to honor people and through your care, you turn their eyes back to me. You will touch many lives and offer them balance because you know that there is often frustration in every life. As a Sacred Mother you are all giving; you will be the gift of Abundance.

You are the one who brings balance through your caring and intuitive nature. – I ask that you use your Light and use it well.

Your Animal Wisdom – Your beloved and trusted companion is the Turtle who will teach you to be careful in new situations and to be enduring in reaching your goals. Turtle will also teach you to take things slow, so it gives you time to figure out if you need to protect your self or forge ahead. She will also teach you to be adaptable to your environment so you can find the balance within it.


Your Angel Ray is the Holy Mothers – I also give you The Three Holy Mother. Find a generous heart my child, and their Magenta ray will find you. Know there is enough for us all. For, Mother Earth gives generously to her children and it is up to you to find a way to share it. – Splendour is key, honour its presence . A caring nature is your path – may your path, magnificent one, be a satisfying adventure. My Dear Sacred Mother Goddess your Persistent Obstacle will be to overcome the habit of feeling Inadequate, balanced by your True Quest and Light Law of Plentiful, which you will fondly live and promote.

And for your good work, I will afford you the Lacing Laws of Abundance, Honour, Caring, Satisfaction, Balance, Splendor and Intuition.

Your Numeric and Spatial codes are NINE and Passionate

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