What’s holding you back?

We often think our life is hard simply because of the lens we’re looking through… 

I’d say that the majority of the things you want to accomplish in life can be accomplished; if it weren’t for your Limiting Core Belief, which is either the fear of failure or the fear of success and the powerful feelings that are connected to this belief.

Your first step forward is to identify your Limiting Core Belief.

Is it the Fear Of Failure or the Fear Of Success?



A limiting core belief is a problem, not because it’s hard to change, but because it can be hard to catch.

Unfortunately, your limiting core belief is unconscious and unquestioned and has become a part of your natural day-to-day life, which makes it very hard to find.

Other people’s limiting belief can be easy to spot because you’re on the outside looking in, but your own often remain hidden from you. 

Maybe something happened to you when you were young, such as a painful and significant childhood experience, which has affected your thinking, your confidence or self-worth. Resulting in many years of thoughts and feelings forming strong connective pathways in your brains.

Good news is when you correct and transform this old pattern of thinking 

You’ll be able to do things you never thought possible.

You’ll be confident, but calm and keen to grow beyond the norm.

And you’ll find your passion and purpose in life and seize the appropriate opportunities.

If you would like to know more on this topic it’s in my new book Light Leadership – click the link to get your copy. 

Light Leadership

Elizabeth Ellames

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