Clarity = Consistency


We have entered a new frontier of awareness, which requires women to be New Style Leaders. ‪

If you’re one of these New Style Leaders, chances are you’ve outgrown some areas of your life. The way you operate your career, lifestyle, relationships may now feel foreign to you, so it’s an understatement to say you probably feel a little isolated.

Especially as a New Style Leader, you could be asking yourself questions like…

Why am I here? 

How can I make more of a difference? 

Who else do I know that is on a higher purpose?

Be assured, if you’re traveling on the road of leadership you are right where you need to be, and finding your “tribe” is a fundamental part of your journey. Here are some tips on consciously calling in your Authentic Leadership Powers that will support you on your journey.

Keys To Staying True To Your Leadership.

Being The Real Deal – Simply put ‘You need to be the Real Deal’… Before you can fully step into your leadership you must know who you are and be living a life in alignment with that truth. You will attract like-minds – but they may be people who are simply matching what you are projecting out to the world. So if that’s an innocent mask of people pleasing, control or enabling, you’re connections and results are likely to be of a similar nature.

Create Distinctions – Understand that the roles people have played in your life have given you a greater understanding and experience of life. Make distinctions around your leadership from a place of development, empowerment and personal responsibility. Often blame justifies our current “Busy” or “Disruptive” lifestyle and can be a wonderful excuse for not creating the right direction and team.

Responsibility – Its important to take full responsibility for your life and the part you played in past relationships and experiences, this creates a deeper awareness around authentic connection – real deal teams don’t put up with B.S – they’ll hold you accountable to being the best leader you can be, call you on your stuff and inspire you to lead with integrity, confidence, passion and clarity.

Identify And Clarify – Make a conscious decision about who you want to be as a leader and where that’s heading, what you want and don’t want for the future – then create the lifestyle and people who can support that – many times you know what you don’t want because you’ve experienced it. So change that by only focusing on what works well.

Review Your Relationships – Recognise old relationships that no longer serve you – this doesn’t mean they are ‘bad’ or what they are choosing to do with their life is wrong. It just means you need to be supported in your leadership. This takes a commitment to yourself and your vision, which fosters the best version of you. And you need to create personal boundaries around how you choose to be influenced.

Edify And Unify Your Connections – Identify the kindred spirits already in your life that support your leadership and consciously edify and unify these friendships, because they are part of your tribe and extremely valuable.

End Relationships That Hinder – Cut energetic ties that bind you to the past and to old ideas about who you think you are, and who others think you are. Allow yourself to be a leader, then confidently create and sustain relationships that nourish and support your vision.

Add Value And Shine – Correct and transform any personal behavior that lowers your vibration and observe how you attract people who may be mirroring negative beliefs around you. Give yourself permission to shine. This may require gently re-educating some people about who you are as a new style leader.

Raise Your Resonance – Call in your TribeTalkers© by becoming a vibrational match for who and what you want to attract as a leader. If you want creative people who respect you and share an aligned vision, ask yourself:

Am I expressing my creativity?

Do I respect my ability to lead?

Am I clearly living my leadership?

In Summary – Recognize Your Leadership And Your Tribe

Understand how to recognise your TribeTalkers when you connect with them. Be Brave, Be Real, Be Present and notice if people feel energetically appropriate, notice if you’re energising them and take action to follow up those connections.

Leaders need people who are on their team… Yes?

You need people who are on your team!

  • You need to understand your role as a team player.
  • Find out who’s available to share in your story.
  • Create a team who inspire you to be a better person.
  • Promote your new style of leadership to humanity.

Connect with people who make you feel appreciated, valued, and deeply understood…

Take the pledge to be a New Style Leader, welcome these concepts into your life and your community will be waiting on the other side.

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Elizabeth Ellames

2 Thoughts

  1. I so needed to read this today ❤️ Thankyou I feel blessed and honoured we have crossed paths. You are one of the many people in my tribe that inspires and empowers me to be the best version of myself the true authentic me and I love appreciate and am grateful for your presence in my life love Candy 😘😘😘


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