Networking in Community

COMMUNITY NETWORKING – You learn much more about who you are and what you have to offer when you are in community. By simply sharing your authentic self with others, you build trust, clarity and unity around your true purpose. Unite the Light is a wonderful way for women to form valuable community connections… Somewhere to join with other women to be supported, celebrated and unite your gifts, so you can live a larger story.

LIVING WITH A COLLECTIVE VISION – Social Synergy is natural to humans, in the same way nature forms whole systems, we are designed to co-create.


Everything, everybody is connected; we are symbiotic, just like our living body and our living planet. This “energy membrane” that is created through connecting in groups, intensifies our love, and our spirituality, causing a quantum jump in consciousness and capacities. It activates a synergistic shift from Me to You to We, creating Unity in our whole planetary system. Our role is “literally” to be the real deal and Unite The Light between us…

Unite The Light – Social Synergy Circles


Venue –

Next Generation Memorial Drive

War Memorial Dr,

North Adelaide,

South Australia 5006

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